
Is lean ITSM a myth?

When I talk with companies about IT processes and IT service management (ITSM), ITIL seems to be the de facto standard for ITSM. Implementing an ITSM without using ITIL, seems to be impossible. I have many customers that have implemented ITIL-based ITSM processes and most of them had enormous trouble during the implementation and/ or operation. Lean ITSM and ITIL? Companies mainly have three problems during the implementation and/ or operation of ITIL processes:

Industrialize your IT - after you have done your homework

Today a tweet from Keith Townsend (@CTOAdvisor) has caught my attention: Keith wrote a nice blog post and I really recommend to read it. His point is, that automation enables business agility. The point of automation is to enable business agility. Business agility isn’t achieved by automating inefficient processes. The start of an IT automation project begins by examining existing processes and eliminating inefficiency. Agility is the ability of an organization to act flexible, proactive, adaptable and with initiative in times of change and uncertainty.

Solving problems: A structured approach

What is a problem? A problem is an obstacle, that has to be surmounted. Solving a problem is connected with obstacles. Or more general: Problem solving is a process to get from an unsatisfactory to a satisfactory situation. Most of us get paid for solving problems. It’s irrelevant if you are paid for solving technical problem (e.g. My computer doesn’t work), or if you are paid to create solutions for customers (e.

Kanboard - Kanban made simple

I really like the idea behind Kanban. I wrote about it in 2014 (Organize your work with Kanban), and I even wrote my bachelor thesis about it (Industrialisierung der ITIL Service Operation Phase unter Verwendung von Lean Management // Industrialization of the ITIL Service Operation phase with Lean Management). The word “kanban” comes from the japanese and can be translated with “signboard”, “card” or “billboard”. Kanban is a scheduling system and helps to implement the pull principle in a lean manufacturing system.

Complexity knows only one direction: Getting more complex

Complexity, in general usage, tends to be used to characterize something with many parts in intricate arrangement. Wikipedia Following this disambiguation, and assuming that “many” means N > 2, all systems with at least two or more components are complex. But that would be an exaggeration, right? Why is information technology complex? Most systems in information technology (IT) are complex. Almost everything we are working with, consists of two or more components, regardless if it is hardware or software.

Selected as PernixPro

Yesterday, at 02:13am (CET), I got an awesome e-mail: Dear Patrick, I am pleased to welcome you to the PernixPro program! I’m very happy to be part of this program! PernixData | PernixPro This program is similar to the VMware vExpert or Microsoft MVP program. It’s designed to spread the magic of PernixData FVP. I am totally convinced of PernixData FVP. Because of this, I’m very pleased to be part of the program.