On the road to... nowhere?

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Its been four month since my last blog post, and the blog frequency was quite low before that. This blog is, to be honest, a giant pile of stuff that has not worked as expected. Okay, some random thoughts or howto’s, but most blog posts are about stuff that failed in some way. That’s a bit “depressing”. I should write more about the fun things in my life

Picture by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay 

For a pretty long time my focus was on infrastructure. And my focus _is_ on infrastrucutre - Networks, lots of storage, virtualization with VMware. And always full stack: Networking, Storage, Servers, Operating System, always with a little focus here and there. Sure, products shifted over time, but in the bigger picture, my focus was always on infrastrucutre and datacenter stuff. No client devices, no end user support, no managed services/ admin tasks, no leadership. Technical stuff and projects. But my focus continued to shift. Microsoft Exchange for example. A product I really hate. Not really infrastructure. But I’m good at it and so I got projects and stuff to do. Or Office 365. Or Microsoft Azure. And since 2013 more leadership tasks. And since January 2020 I held some kind of a higher management position.

I’m doing much less VMware for the past 24 months than I like to do. Therefore much more Office 365 and Azure. And consulting for Microsoft stuff, transition to cloud, transition of IT services into managed services, or deployment of managed services. I lost my VCP/ VCAP through, IMHO, unnecessarily complicated recertification requirements. That was very frustrating for me. Of course, I learned other things in return.

Companions from the last 20 years are now mostly in management positions. Head of … whatever. Most of them are not doing technical stuff anymore. And they are happy with it. It looks like a typical career path, but it’s one that I don’t necessarily like right now. I’m still doing technical stuff, even if I’m in a management position. Actually quite good, but it also feels kind of weird.

I’m turning 40 this year. 23 years in IT behind me, 25 years to go until retirement. Not even half-time. :/ A wife, three nice kids, we just moved to our new house. Actually everything should be really great, but currently I can’t see a career path for me that makes me happy. And this sucks pretty hard.

So, to make a long story short, come back from time to time. Add this blog to your RSS reader. I hope to post nice content here again soon.

Patrick Terlisten
Infrastructure Cloud/ On-Prem/ Hybrid | Dad of 👧 👧 👦 | Podcaster | Landleben